Peradon Extensions

Snooker Cue Extensions from ABC Snooker include the World Famous Telecue Extenda, a universal Push-on design that can be used with any standard cue. We also supply specially made 'butt-end' and 'screw-on' telescopic extensions that are designed specifically for your cue type.

Some useful tips:

Peradon Butt-End Cue Extensions are for those cues which already have a mini-butt and a female screw socket in the butt of the cue itself. The butt-end extension has a male fitting and screws into the female butt socket.

Peradon Screw-On Cue Extesnions are for cues (Like the Peradon Joe Davis 3/4 snooker cue) which don't have a screw-socket at the butt end of the cue. This type of cue will also not come with a mini butt because of the missing socket in the butt. So to extend this type of cue needs a Peradon screw-on extension instead.The Peradon screw-on extension is typically longer because you have to unscrew the 3/4 butt section off your cue first to make way for the Peradon screw-on extension to screw on to the ash shaft of the cue. The screw-on extension can come in the form of a solid length of wood or much more popular is the Peradon screw-on telescopic extension. These have female fittings and join with the male fitting of the ash shaft of the cue.

If you need to match an extension with a cue and aren't sure, drop us a line.

A simple rule to follow is that Peradon cues that already come with a mini-butt, will need a Peradon butt-end extension. Peradon cues that don't come with a mini butt will need a Peradon screw-on extension.

Please note that Peradon Cue Extensions are designed only to work with Peradon cues. Similarly, other manufacturers make their cue extensions to work only with their cues.

Results 1 - 8 of 8

Peradon 30-inch Ebonised Butt-End Cue Extension

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £76.71
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

SAVE OVER £16 on the Peradon 30-inch Ebonised Butt-End Cue Extension with Selected Peradon Snooker Cues


Peradon Quick-Action 30-inch Rosewood Butt-End Cue Extension

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £76.71
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

SAVE OVER £20 on the Peradon Quick-Action 30-inch Rosewood Butt-End Cue Extension with Selected Peradon Cues.


Peradon Push-on Extension

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £38.60
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

Great Discounts on the Peradon Push-on Cue Extension with Selected Cues.


Telecue Extenda Push-On Telescopic Cue Extension

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £70.74
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

Telecue Extenda Push-On Telescopic Cue Extension Push-on Telescopic Cue Extension as seen on TV. Fits all standard Cues and Rests. Up to 40 inches Extra Reach...


Peradon Quick-Action 6-inch Mini-Butt

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £46.66
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

The Peradon Quick-Action 6-Inch Mini-Butt will fit any Peradon Cue with a Butt-End Socket and is available in either Olivewood, Rosewood or Ebonised Black.


Peradon Quick-Action 12-inch Telescopic Mini-Butt-End Cue Extension

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £78.83
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

Great Discounts on the Peradon Quick-Action 12-inch Telescopic Mini-Butt-End Cue Extension with Selected Peradon Cues.


Peradon Quick-Action 20-inch Midi-Butt-End Cue Extension

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £70.74
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

Great Discounts on The Peradon Quick-Action 20-inch Midi-Butt Cue Extension with Selected Peradon Cues ...


Peradon Quick-Action 23-inch Telescopic Butt-End Cue Extension

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £75.21
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

The Peradon Quick-Action 23-inch Telescopic Butt-End Extension. Save £20 on the Peradon Telecscopic Butt-End Cue Extension with selected Cues. Extends Cues from 23-35 inches...