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Strachan 'Number 10 Anti-Kick' Cloth (Bed Only - 12ft table)

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £931.82
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

Introducing the latest version of the world famous Strachan 'Number 10 Anti-Kick' - 12ft Full Size Snooker Cloth - (Bed Only). The Ultimate West Of England snooker table cloth. As used in The World Snooker Championships since 1980.

Strachan Anti-Kick Professional Snooker Cloth

Strachan Number 10 Anti-Kick Cloth Professional Package (Bed & Cushions - 10ft table)

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £991.45
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

The Strachan West of England 'Number 10 Anti-Kick' Cloth Pro Package uses Strachan 'Number 10 Anti-Kick' cloth for the bed and Strachan 6811 'Tournament' for the cushions, the same exact combination used at Professional Main Tour Snooker Tournaments.

Strachan Anti-Kick Professional Snooker Cloth

Strachan 'Number 10 Anti-Kick' Cloth Professional Package (Bed & Cushions - 12ft table)

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £1,074.92
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

The Strachan West of England 'Number 10 Anti-Kick' Cloth Pro Package uses Strachan 'Number 10 Anti-Kick' cloth for the bed and Strachan 6811 'Tournament' for the cushions, the same exact combination used at Professional Main Tour Snooker Tournaments.

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