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ABC-XLED-19K Snooker Table Lights (Twin Units)

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £825.29
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
net price

The ABC-XLED-19K (Twin Units) are a top-of-the-range LED Snooker Luminaire New for October 2022 that uses very high power and very low electrical costs for both Snooker and Pool Tables.


Peradon Cue Wizard Design Number 23555

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £828.63
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
gross price

Peradon Cue Wizard Design Number 23555 normally £775 Now just £697.50

Peradon Cue Wizard Custom Cue

PCW 21499

Base price with tax:
ABC Snooker Price £860.28
(Includes Free UK Delivery)
gross price

Peradon Custom Cue Wizard Design Number 20100 with ABC Snooker 10% Discount. 

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