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The Telecue Extenda Telescopic Cue Extension is the world's leading push-on telescopic cue extension.
The Telecue Extenda Telescopic Cue Extension will fit to any standard sized cue butt. It's telescopic nature allows the cue length to reach an additional 26-40 inches.
The Telecue Extenda Extension ia universal and will fit any standard butt width. All the snooker cues on the ABC snooker website have the standard butt width.
The Telecue Extenda is very light, fast, easy-to-use and because it can fit immediately over the butt end of your cue, means there is no need to start fiddling or unscrewing your existing cue before you play any awkward-to-reach shots.
N.B. Because this is a push on extension, it will not fit inside conventional Peradon Cue cases.
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